Teatime Predictions For Today January 2025

Teatime Predictions For Today

If you want to win teatime results in an upcoming draw, you need to follow a few tips and predictions. You have to choose numbers carefully when you are playing for UK teatime. You can use syndicate, lucky dip to choose winning numbers.

If you want to get success in upcoming teatime results you can check past teatime draws winning umber for last four years. You can make the odds and pairs from these numbers. We publish these past results one our website to help our visitor.

You can also use hot and cold balls to improve your game. Hot balls are those numbers that are mostly dawn in past results. Other the other hand cold number are those that are drawn fewer times in last year’s.

Check Latest UK49s Results Today.

UK 49s teatime is the second draw of the day. Teatime draw takes place at 5:49 PM UK. You can check UK teatime winning numbers regularly on the website. Here you can also get previous teatime results. We have published past teatime results for last years on this page. We update this past data time to time for ease of our member. Check the teatime past results and choose winning numbers for upcoming draws.

Predictions For September 2024

Prediction # 1:

5-8-14-21-28-48(Monzo Team)

How Monzo Team Works:

Monzo team has three members and all the 49s retired persons. They have around 40+ Years of experience. The Monzo team works on the combination of hot and cold numbers and gets a new number.

Prediction # 2:

11-30-27-39-45-46 (Rasel Team)

How Rasel Team Works:

Rasel team has 4 Members and they analyze the previous years’ draw number. After analyzing the previous year’s number, they have a secret number map. Put the numbers into the map they conclude an upcoming number.

Prediction # 3:

2-3-5-28-32-41 (Mike Team)

How Mike Team Works:

Mike team has 7 members and all are well experts. They work on the last 6 months’ numbers and find a pattern. Matches with the cold and hot numbers and gets the latest number. I like this team very much.

Prediction # 4:

8-10-17-20-32-35 (Lucy Team)

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